October 5, 2024

Lincoln City Manager Linked with International Position - The Real EFL

“If we’d kept it as 11 v 11 I think we would have won comfortably.” (opinion)

If we’d kept it as 11 v 11 I think we would have won comfortably – as it was we still could have done if we’d been able to put the ball in the net. Burton looked very limited and their main way of preventing us playing seemed to be to scythe down anyone (usually Bishop) who looked like breaking forward. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a team have eight players booked before. It was unfortunate that unlike with us the yellow cards were shown to all different players. Mitchell’s first booking looked very harsh.

It looked like we should have had a penalty near the end.

Image for “If we’d kept it as 11 v 11 I think we would have won comfortably.” (opinion)

The man of the match for me was Erhahon. Draper did well, but bringing House on for him at that time was a good move, and showed the advantage of being able to bring someone like him on that stage rather than – with all due respect to him – Jovon Makama.

Burton rarely made their extra man count, and the longer the game went on the less they seemed likely to get anything out of it – all down to our hard work. As for the nine minutes of added time – more than I expected, but Lasse Sorensen must have taken about four minutes doing his laces up!”

Luke Imp: “Well done, Imps! Cracking result given the circumstances. Burton didn’t exactly need any encouragement being a niggly side having been managed by Dino but Patterson was a niggly, annoying striker as a player so they’ll be well versed in that side of the game for a little while longer.

Image for “If we’d kept it as 11 v 11 I think we would have won comfortably.” (opinion)

Important that we got another win on the board with performances improving over the last handful of games and a good start to what is a better February fixture-wise than December/January.

Never underestimate the out-of-possession stuff, clean sheets are the foundations you need for games like we’ve had in the last three. Yes, you get the Bolton-type ones where you’re on the wrong end of a narrow result but you also get the ones like today. Excellent stuff.”

Image for “If we’d kept it as 11 v 11 I think we would have won comfortably.” (opinion)

azz_88: “What a big win and under such tough circumstances. So proud of the players.

Switch from defensive 5 at the back to 4 at the back and having more presence in midfield and 3 clean sheets follow plus lots of chances created. Actually been enjoyable to watch us on this mini run (ignoring the first half vs Wycombe). Hope we stick to playing Reeco on the wing and not up top though as he’s so effective there.

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