July 8, 2024

Three Things The Imps Still Need In The Transfer Window

The transfer window is now more than halfway through, and after a flurry of activity, the Imps have been quiet for a couple of weeks.

Joe Taylor and Jack Moylan are the new faces, and with Freddie Draper back, we have something resembling an attack. The squad still needs a couple of players, and it’s likely there’s a lot of work going on behind the scenes.

What exactly do we need? It could be argued we’re okay for strikers now, but where else do we need players? Or, more to the point, what type of player do we still need?

I’ve had a good look over the squad, and I think there are still three things City needs to find in the next two weeks. What are they?

We Need To Find Experience

First up is a need for experience in the side. The manager has already spoken of needing experience, and it seems like it is high on the shopping list. Why do we need experience? We have the likes of Adam Jackson, who have been there and done it, but why do we need more?

In general, when we concede first, heads drop. Since Michael Skubala has come in, we’ve shown a better spirit – Barnsley and Wycombe in particular, but we have still struggled when going 1-0 down. Also, we look at the Bolton game and that last-gasp goal, and you wonder if maybe we need a leader. No offence meant to Paudie, but with two sendings off, I’m sure there’s a desire to get someone in who is going to be on the field regularly.

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Experience doesn’t always mean age – when Jacko came to us, he’d had a couple of seasons where he’d been on the fringes at Barnsley, and Joe Walsh struggled to get 25 games a season before becoming an Imp. Someone like Ethan Erhahon, with 40-odd games a season, will be perfect, especially if they’re 24

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