July 8, 2024

jeff Fisher of the Tennessee Titans.

Ex-Titans coach Jeff Fisher named interim commissioner of Arena Football League

Fisher will take over one of America’s most well known leagues.

The Tennessee Titans qualified for Super Bowl XXXIV in 2000 with ex-coach Jeff Fisher as captain of the ship, and haven’t been back. Now, Fisher has been given a job that will put him in charge of one of the most well known non-NFL football leagues of all-time.

jeff Fisher of the Tennessee Titans.
Fisher was named interim commissioner of the Arena Football League on Tuesday according to a report from The Nashville Tennessean. The move came after a group of of league owners asked Fisher to step in and replace Lee Hutton as commissioner.

jeff Fisher of the Tennessee Titans.
The AFL showed signs of difficulties since it kicked off this April. Fourteen teams began the season but two have since folded over the past two weeks, leaving 10 teams still operating. Rock music superstar Jon Bon Jovi’s Philadelphia Soul, the Iowa Rampage and Georgia Force have all packed up shop this season, along with the Minnesota Myth.

The Fisher news came amid an analysis of the Titans’ free agent aspirations for the 2024 offseason. The possibility of a breakout season for a Titans player was also discussed.

jeff Fisher of the Tennessee Titans.

Fisher, Arena League News Broke This Week
The Fisher hire was originally floated out as a possibility via TitanInsider.com, which broke the news that Fisher may be the next interim commissioner of Arena League Football.

Fisher has worked as part of the ownership group of the Nashville Kats. A new franchise, the Kats have the same name and logo of the original Tennessee based team that folded after the 2007.

jeff Fisher of the Tennessee Titans.

As the Titans continue to build their new Nissan Stadium in preparation for its unveiling starting in the 2027 season, many fans have become fans of Fisher’s Arena League franchise. Now, Fisher finds himself as the AFL’s commissioner.

Nashville to Play on Saturday Amid Regulation
Fisher’s longtime AFL franchise is set to take on the Wichita Regulators this Saturday afternoon at 4:30 p.m.

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